Chinmaya Hoboken @ Hudson School
1201 Adams Street, Hoboken, NJ, USA
Hoboken, NJ 07030
Chinmaya Vrindavan
Gr 7: Vibhishana Gita (Key to Success)
Hoboken Chinmaya Bala Vihar
Age 12 to 13 Years
Date: Oct 12, 2024 - Jun 07, 2025
Time: 04:00 PM - 05:45 PM EST
Weekday: Saturday
$950.00 per familyDescription:
The Vibhishana Gita is found in the sixth canto entitles Lanka Kanda or Yuddha Kanda of Sri Ramacharitamanas, composed by Goswami Tulisadas ji.
Analysis of main personalities as we study the text in detail and understand how actions define character, how adherence to Dharma is portrayed in difficult situations.
Vibhishana Gita (Keys to Success): Teaches children how to achieve success in the world by living a life that is rich in values. Emphasis is on the mind and how a disciplined mind achieves happiness and peace.
Additional Information:
- Contribution indicated above is $950 per family and appropriate sibling adjustment is applied at the time of checkout.
- For siblings to be included in your family contribution, make sure you register all children in the same cart.
- Use "Add More" button in cart to add classes for each child.
Entering Grade 7 in their school in the September 2024
Toddler-PreK: Parent and Child ClassHoboken Chinmaya Balavihar
04:00 PM - 05:45 PM EST -
Gr K: Alphabet Safari Hoboken Chinmaya Bala Vihar
04:00 PM - 05:45 PM EST -
Gr 2: Hanuman the Super SupermanHoboken Chinmaya Bala Vihar
04:00 PM - 05:45 PM EST -
Gr 3: Bala Bhagavatam Hoboken Chinmaya Bala Vihar
04:00 PM - 05:45 PM EST -
Gr 4: Bala Bhagavatam Part 2 - Krishna Everywhere - My 24 teachersHoboken Chinmaya Bala Vihar
04:00 PM - 05:45 PM EST -
Gr 5: Symbolism in HinduismHoboken Chinmaya Bala Vihar
04:00 PM - 05:45 PM EST -
Gr 6:India the Sacred LandHoboken Chinmaya Bala Vihar
04:00 PM - 05:45 PM EST -
Gr 8: Yato Dharma Tato JayahHoboken Chinmaya Bala Vihar
04:00 PM - 05:45 PM EST -
Gr 9: Introduction to Hindu Culture Hoboken Chinmaya Bala Vihar
04:00 PM - 05:45 PM EST -
Gr 10-12: Gita For MeHoboken Chinmaya Bala Vihar
04:00 PM - 05:45 PM EST